The ZB2430 transceiver module interfaces to the OEM Host via an asynchronous 3.3V serial UART interface; allowing
the module to be easily integrated into any 3.3V system without requiring any level translation. The module can
communicate with any logic and voltage compatible UART; or to any serial device with an additional level translator.
The ZB2430 has two different types of interface modes:
• Transparent Mode
•API Mode
Transparent Mode
When operating in Transparent Mode, the ZB2430 can act as a direct serial cable replacement in which received RF
data is forwarded over the serial interface and vice versa. Additionally, many parameters can be configured using
either AT commands or by toggling the Command/Data pin on the transceiver. In transparent mode, the radio needs
to be programmed with the Network Address of the desired recipient. The destination address can be programmed
permanently or on-the-fly.
When Transparent Mode is used, data is stored in the TX buffer until one of the following occurs:
• The RF packet size is reached (EEPROM address 0x5A)
• An Interface Timeout occurs (EEPROM address 0x58)
API Mode
API Mode is an alternative to the default Transparent operation of the ZB2430 and provides dynamic packet routing
and packet accounting abilities to the OEM Host without requiring extensive programming by the OEM Host. API
Mode utilizes specific frame-based packet formats; specifying various vital parameters used to control radio settings
and packet routing on a packet-by-packet basis. The API features can be used in any combination that suits the
OEM’s application specific needs.
API Mode provides an alternative method of configuring modules and message routing at the OEM Host level; without
requiring the use of Command Mode. The ZB2430 has three API functions:
•Transmit API
• Receive API
• API Send Data Complete
For additional details and examples, please refer to the API section on page 41.