You can also press the Access Button if one is configured for Monitor
and follow the prompts.
■ You join the call, either silently or with a tone announcing the call to
the agent depending on system configuration.
■ Your display panel now shows options to Whisper, Change Agent,
or Barge-In.
■ Only the supervisor’s display panel indicates that supervisory
monitoring is in use.
Whisper Whisper (also called Coaching) allows a supervisor to speak to the agent
during a monitored call without the customer hearing this advice. The
administrator configures the NBX system to specify if a tone audible to
the agent is played when the supervisor enables Whisper.
To use Whisper or Barge-In, a supervisor must first be monitoring the call.
To whisper to an agent:
1 Monitor the ACD or Hunt Group call.
2 Press the soft button to select Whisper from the display panel.
■ Whisper is enabled for you, either silently or with a tone announcing
the change, depending on system configuration.
■ Your display panel now provides options to Monitor, Change Agent,
or Barge-In.
Barge-In Barge-In allows a supervisor to speak to both the agent and customer
during a monitored call. The administrator configures the NBX system to
specify whether a tone audible to the agent and customer is played when
the supervisor enables Barge-In.
To use Whisper or Barge-In, a supervisor must first be monitoring the call.