4.4.1 Special Dialing Keys
The following designated keys represent special functions when
used with PHONE NUMBER entries:
1. Pause
PAUSE represents a four-second pause in dialing. It can be used
when an access number is required before dialing to an outside
line. (For example, in some cases a “9” or other number, must be
dialed first, in order to get a dial tone for an outside line.) When
interrogating telephone numbers, PAUSE is audibly represented
by a “beep.”
2. Pound (#)
A pound may be required when calling some phone or beeper
systems. When interrogating telephone numbers, pound (#) is
audibly represented by the word “twelve.”
3. Asterisk (*)
An asterisk may be required when calling some phone or beeper
systems. When interrogating telephone numbers, asterisk (*) is
audibly represented by the word “eleven.”
4. Code
CODE instructs the Model 1108 to wait until the call is answered
before continuing. When interrogating telephone numbers, CODE
is audibly represented by the word “fourteen.”
Each time a pause, pound (#) or asterisk (*) is incor-
porated in a programming sequence, it is counted as
one digit toward the total of 32 digits allowed.
Model 1108 User’s Manual