5.2.3 PBX Parameters
The following items can be programmed using KX-TVA Maintenance Console under System Parameters by
selecting the Parameters tab.
PBX Environment
• PBX Type
Specifies the type of PBX which is connected to the VPS.
• Integration Mode
Select Inband. If PBX type is set to the Panasonic KX-T series, the inband signaling parameters are set
automatically and should not be altered.
D Disconnect
F Hookswitch Flash
R Ring Detection
T Dial Tone Detection
X Dial Extension
, Dialing Pause (default 1 s)
; Dialing Pause (default 3 s)
0-9, , # DTMF Tones
• Maximum Extension Number Length
Specifies the maximum number of digits that the connected PBX recognizes as an extension number.
• Extension Number of VPS Port
Specifies the extension number for each VPS port on the connected PBX.
• Extension numbers of the VPS ports will automatically be assigned when the PBX type has been
• Operator Transfer Sequence
Tells the VPS how to transfer a call to the operator.
Example: FTX [hookswitch flash®dial tone®dial (operator) extn.]
• Extension Transfer Sequence
Tells the VPS how to transfer a call to an extension.
Example: FTX [hookswitch flash®dial tone®dial extn.]
• Alternate Extension Transfer Sequence
Tells the VPS how to transfer a call to an extension that belongs to the Alternate Extension Group. This is
useful for extensions that need a special transfer procedure (i.e., blind transfer) such as modem extensions.
Example: FTXD [hookswitch flash®dial tone®dial extn.®hang up]
• Reconnect Sequence on Busy
Tells the VPS how to return to the caller if the called extension is busy. PBXs differ in how they handle this
function. Test from an SLT to determine the sequence.
130 Installation Manual Document Version 3.0 2010/06
5.2.3 PBX Parameters