Viewing the Menus
Menu Diagram
Menus let you check or change your phone settings. The following outline
shows your phone’s menu structure.
1. Call History
1. Outgoing Calls
2. Incoming Calls
3. Missed Calls
4. Erase Calls
1. Outgoing Calls
2. Incoming Calls
3. Missed Calls
4. All Calls
2. Phone Book
1. List Entries
2. New Entry
3. Speed Dials
4. Groups
5. Voice Dials
6. Services 1. Customer Care/2. Directory/3. Account Info.
3. Messaging
1. Shortmail
2. E-mail
3. Notifications
4. Web
1. Launch
Games Get New/[downloaded games]
Ringers Get New/[downloaded ringers]
Screen Savers Get New/[downloaded screen savers]
Applications Get New/[downloaded applications]
Other [downloaded items]
6. Voicemail
7. Fun Tools
1. Photo Album
2. Games
1. Egg Stack
2. Real Fighters
3. EZ Tips
4. Calculator
5. World Clock
8. Settings
1. Sounds
1. Ringers
1. Voice Calls 1. Caller ID/2. No Caller ID/3. Roaming
2. Messages 1. Voicemail /2. Page/Text
Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2E: Navigating Through Menus 55