
Set-up Using RS-232 PC Programs
5.2 Set-up Using RS-232
The illustrations below shows a typical hardware setup for
a MPDS or 9.6 kps data connection using the RS-232
MPDS or 9.6 kps data Hardware Connection.
For a MPDS or 9.6 kps data session, connect a RS-232
cable between the COM port of the computer and the RS-
232 interface on the Fleet system.
5.2.1 Set-up for MPDS
The terminal is connected to a PC or similar equipment via
a standard RS-232 cable. In this manual, the setup of a PC
running a MS-Windows operating system is described.
Configuring the TT-3088A
The transceiver has to be configured for the right ocean
region and LES operator that provides the MPDS service.
This is done using the handset user interface.
May 2005 77