Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
1352J: E-mail
ReplyAll: Sends a reply to all the e-mail addresses set in the To and Cc
3. Edit the e-mail and press T. (See “Composing and Sending New
E-mail” on page 124.)
Tip: If you set Quote Message to ON in the server setting modifications,
the original subject and message body are quoted in the reply. The “>”
symbol is used to denote the quoted body text.
Forwarding Incoming E-mail
You can forward a received e-mail to a third party by specifying their
e-mail address.
To forward an e-mail:
1. In the incoming mail content checking screen, press .
2. Highlight Forward and press .
The subject and message body are copied. “Fw:” is added at the
beginning of the subject and “Original Message:” is placed just before
the copied original message text.
3. Edit the email and press T. (See “Composing and Sending New
E-mail” on page 124.)
Tip: If there are files attached to the received e-mail, only the first file is
attached to the forwarded message.
Erasing Incoming E-mail
To erase incoming e-mail:
1. In the incoming mail list screen, highlight the received e-mail you
want to erase and press .
2. Highlight Erase One, Select & Erase or Erase All and press .
Erase One: Erases the selected received e-mail.
Select & Erase: Erases multiple received e-mail messages. Highlight
a received e-mail you want to erase and press . Repeat this step