Dialogic Dialogic Global Call IP IP Phone User Manual

Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007 125
Dialogic Corporation
IP-Specific Operations
Using gc_MakeCall( )
Setting Per-Call Call Parameters Using gc_SetUserInfo( )
The gc_SetUserInfo( ) function (with the duration parameter set to GC_SINGLECALL) can be
used to set call parameter values for a single incoming call. This is useful since the
gc_AnswerCall( ) function does not have a parameter to specify a GC_PARM_BLK. At the end of
the call, the values set as defaults for the specified line device replace these call-specific values.
If a gc_MakeCall( ) function is issued after the gc_SetUserInfo( ), the values specified in the
gc_MakeCall( ) function override the values specified by the gc_SetUserInfo( ) function. See
Section 8.3.26, “gc_SetUserInfo( ) Variances for IP”, on page 487 for more information about the
values of function parameters to set in this context.
Setting Per-Call Call Parameters Using gc_MakeCall( )
The gc_MakeCall( ) function can be used to set call parameter values for a call. The values set are
only valid for the duration of the current call. At the end of the call, the values set as default values
for the specified line device override the values specified by the gc_MakeCall( ) function.
See Section 8.3.17, “gc_MakeCall( ) Variances for IP”, on page 460 for more information about
the values of function parameters to set in this context.
4.3.2 Setting Coder Information
Terminal capabilities are exchanged during call establishment. The terminal capabilities are sent to
the remote side as notification of coder supported.
Coder information can be set in the following ways:
On a system wide basis using gc_SetConfigData( ).
On a per line device basis using gc_SetUserInfo( ) with a duration parameter value of
On a per call basis using gc_MakeCall( ) or gc_SetUserInfo( ) with a duration parameter
In each case, a GC_PARM_BLK is set up to contain the coder information. The GC_PARM_BLK
must contain the GCSET_CHAN_CAPABILITY parameter set ID with the