48 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
Global Call API Architecture for IP
opened simultaneously, etc. See Section 8.3.27, “gc_Start( ) Variances for IP”, on page 491 for
more information on how to configure IPT board devices.
Figure 7. Configurations for Binding IPT Boards to NIC IP Addresses
Once the IPT board devices are configured, the application can open line devices with the
appropriate IPT network device (IPT channel) and optionally IP Media device (IPM channel).
The gc_SetConfigData( ) function can be used on an IPT board device to apply parameters to all
IPT channels associated with the IPT board device. The application can use the
gc_AttachResource( ) and gc_Detach( ) functions to load balance which host NIC makes a call
for a particular IP Media device (IPM channel). It is also possible that the operating system can
perform load balancing using the appropriate NIC for call control as shown in Figure 7,
configuration D.
The gc_ReqService( ) function is used on an IPT board device for registration with an H.323
gatekeeper or SIP registrar. See Section 8.3.22, “gc_ReqService( ) Variances for IP”, on page 479
for more information.
2.3.3 IPT Network Devices
Global Call API supports three types of IPT network devices:
• H.323 only (P_H323 in the devicename string when opening the device)
A. Multiple IP Addresses Assigned
to the Same Host NIC
IPT Channels
IPT Channels
IPT Board 1
IPT Board 2
IPT Address 1
IPT Address 2
Host NIC
B. Multiple IP Addresses Belonging
to Different Host NICs
IPT Channels
IPT Channels
IPT Board 1
IPT Board 2
IPT Address 1
IPT Address 2
Host NIC 1
Host NIC 2
C. Multiple IPT Boards Using
the Same IP Address
IPT Channels
IPT Channels
IPT Board 1
IPT Board 2
IP Address 1
Host NIC
D. Multiple NICs Abstracted into One
IP Address by the OS
IPT Channels
IPT Channels
IPT Board 1
IPT Board 2
IP Address 1
Host NIC 1
Host NIC 2
Note: IPT Board 1 and IPT Board 2
must have different port numbers.