Dialogic Corporation
conventional nonstandard messages; see Section 9.2.18, “IPSET_NONSTANDARDDATA”, on
page 526.
An unsolicited GCEV_EXTENSION event with an extension ID (ext_id) of
IPEXTID_RECEIVEMSG can be received that contains a nonstandard registration message. The
associated GC_PARM_BLK contains the message details in parameter elements as follows:
The parameter element that identifies the message type is:
The parameter element for the Nonstandard Data data is:
• value = Nonstandard Data string, max length = max_parm_data_size (configurable at
library start-up)
The parameter element for the Nonstandard Data identifier is one (and only one) of the following:
• value = array of unsigned integers, max length = MAX_NS_PARM_OBJID_LENGTH
• value = IP_H221NONSTANDARD structure
The maximum length of the Global Call parameter used for the Nonstandard Data information is
configured at start-up via the max_parm_data_size field in the IPCCLIB_START_DATA structure.
The default size is 255 (for backwards compatibility), but applications may configure it to be as
large as 4096 bytes. Applications must use the extended gc_util_..._ex( ) functions to insert or
extract any GC_PARM_BLK parameter elements whose data length is defined to be greater than
Note: In practice, applications may not be able to utilize the full maximum length of the nonstandard data
parameter element as configured in max_parm_data_size. The H.323 stack limits the overall size of
messages to be max_parm_data_size + 512 bytes, and any messages that exceed this limit are
truncated without any notification to the application.
4.22.4 Registration Code Examples
This section contains code examples illustrating SIP registration and deregistration.