digits are detected. The events for this notification must be enabled; see Section 4.6.1, “Enabling
and Disabling Unsolicited Notification Events”, on page 154.
Once the events are enabled, when an incoming DTMF digit is detected, the application receives a
GCEV_EXTENSION event contains the digit and the method. The GC_PARM_BLK associated
with the event contains the IPSET_DTMF parameter set ID and the following parameter ID:
For H.323, DTMF digits are received in H.245 User Input Indication (UII) alphanumeric
messages. The parameter value is a data structure of type IP_DTMF_DIGITS (it is not a
string). See the reference page for IP_DTMF_DIGITS on page 547 for more information. For
SIP, this parameter is not supported.
4.16.3 Generating DTMF
Once DTMF support has been configured (see Section 4.16.1, “Specifying DTMF Support”, on
page 238), the application can use the gc_Extension( ) function to generate DTMF digits. The
relevant gc_Extension( ) function parameter values in this context are:
• target_type should be GCTGT_GCLIB_CRN
• target_id should be the actual CRN
• ext_ID should be IPEXTID_SEND_DTMF
The GC_PARM_BLK pointed to by the parmblkp parameter must contain the IPSET_DTMF
parameter set ID and the following parameter ID:
For H.323, specifies that DTMF digits are to be sent in H.245 User Input Indication (UII)
Alphanumeric messages. For SIP, this parameter is not supported.
4.16.4 Generating or Detecting DTMF Tones Using a Voice
Using a voice resource to generate or detect DTMF tones in Inband or RFC2833 DTMF transfer
mode requires that the voice resource (for example, dxxxB1C1) be attached to the IPT network
device (for example, iptB1T1) that also has an IP Media device (ipmB1C1) attached. This can be
achieved using the gc_OpenEx( ) function as follows:
gc_OpenEx(lindevice, ":P_IP:N_iptB1T1:M_ipmB1C1:V_dxxxB1C1", EV_ASYNC, userattr)
• linedevice is a Global Call device
• P_IP indicates that the device supports both the H.323 and SIP protocols
• N_iptB1T1 identifies the IPT network device
• M_ipmB1C1 identifies the IPT Media device
• V_dxxxB1C1 specifies the voice resource that will be used to generate or detect the DTMF