424 Dialogic
Global Call IP Technology Guide — November 2007
Dialogic Corporation
gc_SipAck( ) — acknowledge a SIP 200OK message in 3PCC mode
gc_SipAck( )
acknowledge a SIP 200OK message in 3PCC mode
The gc_SipAck( ) function is specific to the SIP protocol, and is used only in the third-party call
control (3PCC) mode. The function is used to send an explicit SIP ACK message to the remote
party on an outbound INVITE or re-INVITE transaction when the library does not automatically
send an ACK. In particular, this function must be called in response to the reception of an
unsolicited GCEV_SIP_200OK event or else the transaction will time out and fail.
SDP content may be included in the ACK message by passing a pointer to a parameter block that
contains a parameter element that uses the IPSET_SDP set ID.
This function is supported only in third-party call control (3PCC) mode. Calling this function when
the library has been started in the default first-party call control (1PCC) mode produces an error.
This function returns either GC_SUCCESS or GC_ERROR depending upon the validity of the
parameters. The function return does not indicate any status as to the success or failure of the
sending of the response (that is, the ACK). The final result of sending the response is provided in
termination events.
Name: int gc_SipAck(crn, parmblk, mode)
Inputs: CRN crn
• call reference number of call targeted for modification
GC_PARM_BLKP parmblk
• pointer to optional parameter block containing SDP content
for the SIP ACK message
unsigned long mode
• completion mode (EV_ASYNC)
Returns: 0 if successful
<0 if unsuccessful
Includes: gclib.h
Category: Third-party Call Control
Mode: Asynchronous only
Parameter Description
crn call reference number of the call that is involved in the INVITE or
re-INVITE transaction
parmblk pointer to a optional parameter block containing SDP content for the SIP
ACK message; must be set to NULL if no SDP content is to be included in
the outbound ACK message.
mode must be EV_ASYNC