Clarity - INT9 A/D converter Brief Description
1 Brief Description
This manual describes the use of the INT9
converter with Clarity software ver. 2.5 and
INT9 is an internal 24-bit A/D converter card
that measures the voltages of chromatographic
and electrochemical detectors.
1.1 INT9 Acquisition card
• Up to 4 dataacquisition channels on one card
(one and two channel versions are also
• The channels are completely independent
sigma delta integrating A/D converters, used
for processing positive and negative voltages.
• Four digital inputs.
• Eight digital outputs. The first four are also
designed as relay contacts.
• PCI Slot.
• Excellent reliability and temperature stability.
Fig. 1. INT9 Card
The INT9 card of integration converters is
a modernized successor of the PCI card INT7.