User Guide for Cisco Home Agent Service Manager
Chapter 4 Using Service Manager
Activating Services on HA Devices
Click any column heading to sort the list.
Step 5 Enter the information and click Next.
The Home Address Assignment Without NAI Configurations window appears with the generated
configuration commands.
Step 6 Click Add To Batch to execute the configuration in a batch mode if you do not want to download them
immediately. The Batch Mode window appears. You must leave the Batch Mode window open to add
multiple service-activation commands to the same batch.
From the Batch Mode window, you can:
• Click Save to save the configuration in a batch file and download it later. A popup window appears
where you can specify a name for the batch file, or add the configuration to an existing batch file.
• Click Download to save it to the work queue.
HA SM schedules a new job. A notification message displays the Job ID. After the job completes,
you can view the details of the job in the Job Details window. See Viewing Job Details, page 4-15,
for more information on the job details.
• Click Clear to clear the batch profile.
• Click Close to close this window.
If you do not save the batch file, a message prompts you to save it. Click OK to save and Cancel to
exit the window.
Interface Click the Interface radio button to specify the interface to which
the mobile node belongs.
Click Fetch to select an interface from a list. A popup appears with
a list of interface types. Choose an interface type and click Select.
Virtual Network Address Click the Virtual Network radio button to specify the virtual
network in which the mobile node resides.
Mask Network mask associated with the IP address of the virtual network.
Skip Chap (Optional) When you check this check box, the Home Agent will
not send access requests to the AAA server for authentication of
mobile IP registration requests.
Security Associations on AAA (Optional) When you check this check box, the Home Agent
retrieves security associations from an AAA (TACACS+ or
RADIUS) server.
Download Security Associations (Optional) Select this check box to download security associations
from an AAA server.
Authorized-pool (Optional) Verifies if the assigned IP address of the mobile node is
in the specified local IP pool.
Care-of Address Access-list (Optional) Controls which care-of addresses (CoAs) in registration
request are permitted by the home agent. By default, all CoAs are
permitted. The access list can be a string or a number from 1 to 99.
Mobile Host Lifetime (Optional) The registration lifetime granted to the mobile node or
group (in seconds). The range is from 3 to 65535. The Foreign
Agent uses this information to control the duration of registration.
Field Description