Restricted Conditions for Tie-line Connection
1. Paging
1) Paging is possible for up to 15 zones per exchange.
2) The whole area of all exchanges can be called by all-
call paging.
3) It is possible to make an all-call paging and an indivi-
dual zone paging from any master station.
4) It is possible to respond to all-call paging from any
master station.
5) A response to the individual zone paging is only
possible from the station connected to the exchange
corresponding to that paging zone. If the Automatic
Paging Response ( ) is employed, a response to
the zone paging is only possible from the station
(consecutive number) which belongs to that zone.
6) Paging assignment is impossible beyond the local
2. Programmable Station Numbering
It is possible to change station numbers of each ex-
change within the limit specified in "Selectable number-
ing schedule of each exchange".
3. Group Blocking
1) The system can be divided into a maximum of 6
groups per exchange.
2) It is possible to set up the calling and called groups
as desired within the same exchange.
3) Only one pair of stations can call each other between
exchanged connected by tie-line.
4) Arbitrary station groups can be restricted to access
all-call and individual zone paging.
5) Calling and called groups must be set up to make a
paging response possible. The paging response is
possible from the called group to the calling group
(reverse direction of call restriction).
4. Below are functions that can be operated for the same
exchange but cannot be operated extending over more
than one exchange connected by tie-line.
1) Remote Response
2) Master/Sub Relationship
3) Call Transfer
4) Paging during Normal Calls
5) Group Hunting
6) Secretary Transfer
7) General Purpose Control (One-shot Make Output,
Make/Break Output, 8 Selectable Make Output,
Decimal Output, 4 Decimal Digits Output). Even
when dialed correctly, different indications result or
unintended control equipment are operated if the
function extends over more than one exchange.
8) Calling Party Indication (Lamp Type)
9) Pager Call