28 Handbook of Intercom Systems Engineering
Application 4 Training Systems
Figure 3.6
based training intercom system.
The training system consists of an instructor and multiple two-student crews.
In the case of Audiocom, each of the six two-student groups are independently addressable
by the instructor. When the student groups are not talking to the instructor, each two-
student group can have semi-private conversations. The call light tells the instructor which
group is paging. The balanced Audiocom system is ideal in hostile electrical noise
Power Supplies: SPS2001 and PS4001.
Instructor’s Station: US2002 and Expansion Station.
Students’ Stations: BP1002 Single Channel Belt Packs.
Instructor’s Headset: PH-1, Single muff headset.
Students’ Headsets: PH-2, Double muff headsets.
Cables: Standard Microphone Cables with XLR-3 connectors. One cable per channel.