Edit Name
Edit the name by using the keypad and the key, then
press the OK soft key. For details on entering a name, see
page 33.
Your phone displays the newly edited name, its number and
its address number.
Edit Number
Edit the number by using the keypad and the key, then
press the OK soft key. Your phone displays the newly edited
number, its name and its address number.
If you press the Select soft key when Erase is selected, you
are asked to confirm the deletion. Press the Yes soft key to
confirm the deletion.
Phonebook Options
When you are viewing a number in the Phonebook, Options
appears above the left soft key to allow you to access the
phonebook options, described in the following paragraphs.
Accessing the Options
1. Press the Options soft key when it appears. The options
are displayed.
2. Press the soft key until a desired option is selected.
The option in bold type will be selected.
3. Press the Select soft key.
Erasing All Numbers (Menu 1-4)
1. Press the Menu soft key. Phonebook appears.
2. Press the Select soft key to access Phonebook menu. The
phonebook options are displayed.
3. Press the soft key until All Erase is selected, then
press the Select soft key. You are asked if you are sure
you want to erase all numbers stored in your phonebook
4. Press the Yes soft key to confirm the deletion.