February 14, 2000 enter the time 07:00p and the
date 02/14/2000.
♦ Press the volume key to toggle between AM and PM, or
press for AM or for PM.
♦ Count Downs can be entered for dates between the years
1980 and 2099.
8. Press .
1. Press to display the Main Menu.
2. Press for Scheduler.
3. Press for Count Down.
♦ Count Down timers display in order of least amount of
time passed since the Count Down was started and least
amount of time remaining until the specified date.
♦ Use the navigation keys to view all Count Down entries.
4. Using the navigation keys select the Count Down you
want to change and press . You can add a new
Count Down by pressing .
5. Using the navigation keys select one of the Options, New
Event, Edit Event, Erase Event, or Exit and press .
Remember, you can also press the digit corresponding to
one of the Options to select that Option.