Setting Up the Polycom VVX 1500 D Phone
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For more information, refer to “Automatic Provisioning Profiles” in the
Polycom CMA System Operations Guide, which are available at
a_4000_5000.html .
The three parameters are:
• Configuration Server URL—The IP address for the system that will
provide the provisioning service.
For example,
• Logging Server URL—The directory to use for log files, if required. A URL
can also be specified.
For example,
• Configuration Data— XML data for a custom configuration. Allows the
system administrator to provision settings that the Polycom CMA does
not normally provide.
Any valid XML data from one of templates provided with the Polycom UC
Software can be entered into the text box.
For example:
— To disable the picture frame feature, enter the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- Generated features.cfg Configuration File -->
<polycomConfig xmlns:xsi=""
<feature feature.pictureFrame.enabled="0" />
— To update the digit map to autodial 10-digit phone numbers,
four-digit direct dial extensions starting with “3”, and four-digit dial
extensions starting “4” via the H.323 protocol, enter the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!-- Generated site.cfg Configuration File -->
<polycomConfig xmlns:xsi=""
<dialplan dialplan.digitmap="xxxxxxxxxx|3xxx|4xxxH" />
If the XML you enter is not valid, the message “Error validating XML. Configuration
Data must be valid XML.” appears.
The XML header may be removed, but other XML content should remain.
Depending on the parameters entered in the configuration data text box, the phone
may reboot or restart.
For more configuration file examples, refer to Configuration Parameters on page
A-2 or refer to “Configuration Parameters” in the “Configuration Files” appendix of
the latest
Administrator’s Guide for the Polycom UC Software..