User’s Guide 9–2
Using the Wireless LAN
Learning the Terms
It is recommended that you become familiar with the following
terms as you begin to use WLAN technology.
Term Definition
Wireless Access Point The access point provides a wireless
connection to a network (additional
Infrastructure This connection mode uses wireless
access points to connect to networks.
Device-to-computer or
This mode does not use access points.
It is used in peer-to-peer network
communications. All peers must be
configured on the same channel.
Hot spots Public or private areas where there is a
wireless access point available.
SSID or Network Name SSID is the acronym for the service set
identifier. This identification number uses a
maximum number of 32 characters and is
case sensitive.
Encryption (WEP) or
IEEE 802.1X
A set of security services used to protect
802.11 networks from unauthorized