Your iPAQ H3000 contains a rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery that is recharged each
time you place your iPAQ H3000 in the cradle and connect the cradle to an external power
source with the AC adapter. You never need to replace the battery. Just place your iPAQ
H3000 in the cradle for three to four hours for an initial charge before you use it the first
time. Next, place it in the cradle for a short time each day to recharge the battery to its full
If the battery gets very low, your iPAQ H3000 displays a warning message. If this occurs,
save any unsaved data you are working on, perform a synchronization with your com-
puter, then turn off your iPAQ H3000. Don’t try to restart your iPAQ H3000 until you have
connected to external power. The battery acts like a rechargeable backup battery by pro-
tecting your data if your iPAQ H3000 shuts down. If your iPAQ H3000 does shut down,
you still have about 24 hours to recharge the battery before you lose the data on your
Pocket PC.