
Item Component Function
1 Communications
Connects your iPAQ H3000 to the cradle or auto-
sync cable.
2 Reset Button Lets you reset your iPAQ H3000. For more infor-
mation, see “Reset the iPAQ H3000 and Clear
Memory” in Appendix A.
3 On/Off Switch Allows you to clear all data, and reset your system
if you have forgotten your password. Clearing
memory deletes all data and restores your iPAQ
H3000 to its default settings. For more informa-
tion, see “Reset the iPAQ H3000 and Clear Mem-
ory” in Appendix A.
4 DC Jack Allows you to connect to external power with the
supplied AC adapter.
5 iPAQ Expansion
Pack Connector
Connects to the connector of an (optional) iPAQ
Expansion Pack.