Cisco Systems 7920 IP Phone User Manual

Note: This server was originally installed to be used as an Aironet RADIUS Server for a different
Cisco Aironet 1200 AP Client. These steps explain how to add another Aironet RADIUS AAA client:
Click Add Entry on the AAA Clients menu.a.
Enter the name of the Cisco Aironet 1200 AP (in this case, AP1200−51d4be).b.
Enter the IP Address (in this case,
Enter the Shared Secret key (in this case, 1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H).
Caution: This must be the same key that you entered for the Cisco Aironet 1200 AP
Shared Secret key in the earlier subtask.
Select the other options as appropriate.
The online help files for Cisco Secure ACS provide explanations of the additional fields. In
this case, the other options have not been enabled.
Click Submit + Restart.f.