
50 Alti-IP 600 Manual
One Number Access - a feature of AltiWare that allows users to create a list of
phone numbers that the system can use to track users and connect them with an
incoming call if they are not at their extension desk.
onhook - the term used to describe a telephone in the idle state or with the receiver
still resting in the base.
physical extension - is associated with a physical port and device. An extension is
created, by default, as a physical extension (as opposed to a virtual or workgroup
extension) unless there are no more physical ports available.
ping (Packet INternet Groper) - a unit of data routed between an origin and a
destination in a network.
port - a communication channel through which a client process communicates with
a protected subsystem.
protocol - A set of rules and conventions by which two computers pass messages
across a network medium. Networking software generally implements multiple
levels of protocols layered one on top of the other.
queue - a collection of calls waiting to be served. Queued calls in AltiWare are
handled on a first-in, first-out basis.
RAS - Remote Access Service.
RJ-11 - The “common” telephone jack. Usually wired with four wires, the red and
green signify the tip and ring circuits.
RJ-45 - The “common” telephone jack. Usually wired with eight wires, the red and
green signify the tip and ring circuits.
router - protocol-dependent device that connects subnetworks together.
server - any computer whose function in a network is to provide user access to files,
printing, communication, and other services.
static IP address - a permanent IP address that is assigned to a node in an IP or
TCP/IP network.