–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Flexible Button Programming Section
Administration Menu (DKAdmin)
Flexible Button Programming Section
The Flexible Key Programming Section option in the Administration Menu enables you to
maintain flexible button assignments for telephones, add-on modules, DSS consoles and
attendant consoles.
➤ To access flexible button assignments
1. Type a and the
Administration Menu
2. Type u and the Flexible
Key Program
Administration screen
displays (shown right).
Telephone Flexible Button Assignments
➤ To access the option
➤ Press Enter and the
Telephone Flexible Button
Key Assignments screen
displays (shown right).
This screen enables you to
assign features to 10 or 20
telephone buttons for each
of your logical ports,
individually or by range.
You can also copy buttons
from one port to another or
to a range of ports for
quick and easy feature editing.
When copying keystrips, you can choose to copy (or not copy) over existing PDNs and/or
PhDNs on the “Copy to” port or port range.
➤ To change an assigned button
1. Highlight the port you
want to change, press F5,
and the Port Flexible Key
Assignments screen
(shown at right) for that
port displays.
2. Highlight the key you wish
to change.