II Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows Mobile 6.1) User Manual
Translation tab 180
bar code reader
integrated scanner, operation of 275
Barcodes Must Decode D-37
a description of 251
Battery Details tab 166
battery hotkey 60
Battery info. tab 165
battery power, managing 164
Battery Power tab 146
battery settings 165
charging 37
failure to power up 37
installing 36
installing main battery 11
main battery 11
pinouts B-3
removing 36
run time 48
storing 49
swap time 37
yellow LED, battery failure 37
battery charger
safety instructions 252
battery power, managing 164
battery specifications 291
Baud 184
Baud Rate (modem setup) 209
beep conditions 48
volume adjustment 48
Bi-Direction Redundancy D-4
Block Recognizer 80
Bluetooth 50
pairing devices 50
Bluetooth devices, pairing 201
Bluetooth radio
ISM band 198
Bluetooth setup
peripherals 278
Bluetooth setup 198
About Tab 206
Active Connections 205
COM port 203
GPRS setup 206
Mode tab 202
Bluetooth specs 290
boot (reset) 31
Built-In Devices tab 167
Built-in Devices tab 167
Buttons icon 124
One Shot tab 125
Sequence tab 125
Up Down Control tab 124
calculator 86
calendar 66
categories, using 68
creating & editing entries 66
deleting appointments 69
reminders, creating 67
calibrating touchscreen 45
Call Options (modem setup) 210
camera, See digital camera
camera, using 101
Card Slots
(see Built-in Devices) 167
Card Slot tab 167
case, carrying 251
CD (Getting Started) 13
CDMA/1xRTT 223–234
Center Bar Code Only (Imager) D-37
certificates 148
safety instructions 252
chargers 252
AC wall adaptor (PS1050 - G1) 262
CH4000 desktop docking station 254
troubleshooting (LED) 258
CH4004 operator controls 260
CH4004 quad docking station 259
troubleshooting 262
installation 253
check digit D-15
Check Digit, One D-15
Check Digits (MSI Plessey) D-15
Check Digit Verification D-7, D-8, D-22,
D-24, D-29, D-30, D-32
Check Digit Verification (Codabar)
Check Digit Verification (Code 39) D-38
Check Digit Verification (I 2 of 5) D-16,
CH1005A powered vehicle cradle
CH4000 desktop docking station
cleaning 258