Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 395
set physical parameters of a channel or board device — dx_setparm( )
DXCH_MFMODE 2 R/W 2 Specifies a word-length bit mask that selects the minimum
length of KP tones to be detected. The possible values of this
field are:
• 0 – detect KP tone > 40 msec
• 2 – detect KP tone > 65 msec
If the value is set to 2, any KP tone greater than 65 msec will be
returned to the application during MF detection. This ensures
that only standard-length KP tones (100 msec) are detected. If
set to 0 (zero), any KP tone longer than 40 msec will be
DXCH_MFLKPTONE 2 R/W 10 MF Length of LKP Tone. Specifies the length of the LKP tone
during MF dialing. This parameter affects all the channels on
the specified board.
Maximum value: 15 (10 msec units)
DXCH_MFTONE 2 R/W 6 MF Minimum Tone Duration. Specifies the duration of a dialed
MF tone. This parameter affects all the channels on the board.
Maximum value: 10 (10 msec units).
DXCH_MINRWINK 1 R/W 10 Minimum Loop Current for Wink. Specifies the minimum time
that loop current needs to be on before recognizing a wink (10
msec units).
DXCH_NUMRXBUFFERS 4 R/W 2 Changes the number of record buffers used. Before you can
use DXCH_NUMRXBUFFERS, you must set
DXCH_VARNUMBUFFERS to 1 and specify the size of the
record buffer in DXCH_RXDATABUFSIZE. This value can be 2
or greater.
DXCH_NUMTXBUFFERS 4 R/W 2 Sets the number of play buffers. Before you can use
DXCH_VARNUMBUFFERS to 1 and specify the size of the
play buffer in DXCH_TXDATABUFSIZE. This value can be 2 or
DXCH_PLAYDRATE 2 R/W 6000 Play Digitization Rate. Sets the digitization rate of the voice
data that is played on this channel. Voice data must be played
at the same rate at which it was recorded. Valid values are:
• 6000 – 6 kHz sampling rate
• 8000 – 8 kHz sampling rate
DXCH_RECRDRATE 2 R/W 6000 Record Digitization Rate. Sets the rate at which the recorded
voice data is digitized. Valid values are:
• 6000 – 6 kHz sampling rate
• 8000 – 8 kHz sampling rate
DXCH_RINGCNT 2 R/W 4 Specifies number of rings to wait before returning a ring event.
Sets the size of the record buffers only that are used to transfer
data (e.g., ADSI data) between the application on the host and
the driver to control buffering delay. The buffer is used by the
dx_RxIottData( ) and dx_TxRxIottData( ) functions. The
minimum buffer size is 128 bytes. The largest available buffer
size is 32 kbytes (must be in multiples of 128). If play and
record buffers are the same size, use DXCH_XFERBUFSIZE.
Table 15. Voice Channel Parameters (Springware) (Continued)
Define Bytes
Default Description