Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 295
create and initialize a circular stream buffer — dx_OpenStreamBuffer( )
dx_OpenStreamBuffer( )
create and initialize a circular stream buffer
! Description
The dx_OpenStreamBuffer( ) function allocates and initializes a circular stream buffer for
streaming to a voice device.
You can create as many stream buffers as needed on a channel; however, you are limited by the
amount of memory on the system. You can use more than one stream buffer per play via the
DX_IOTT structure. In this case, specify that the data ends in one buffer using the STREAM_EOD
flag so that the play can process the next DX_IOTT structure in the chain. For more information
about using the streaming to board feature, see the Voice API Programming Guide.
This function initializes the circular stream buffer to the same initial state as
dx_ResetStreamBuffer( ).
! Cautions
The buffer identified by the circular stream buffer handle cannot be used by multiple channels for
the play operation.
! Errors
This function fails with -1 error if there is not enough system memory available to process this
Unlike other voice API library functions, the streaming to board functions do not use SRL device
handles. Therefore, ATDV_LASTERR( ) and ATDV_ERRMSGP( ) cannot be used to retrieve
error codes and error descriptions.
Name: int dx_OpenStreamBuffer(BuffSize)
Inputs: int BuffSize
• size in bytes of circular stream buffer
Returns: stream buffer handle if successful
-1 if failure
Includes: srllib.h
Category: streaming to board
Mode: synchronous
Platform: DM3
Parameter Description
BuffSize specifies the size in bytes of the circular stream buffer to allocate