Intel 05-1832-002 IP Phone User Manual

24 Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003
Function Summary by Category
dx_playtone( )
plays a user-defined tone as defined in TN_GEN structure
dx_playtoneEx( )
plays the cadenced tone defined by TN_GENCAD structure
Note: The dx_playtone( ) and dx_playtoneEx( ) functions can also be classified as an I/O function and
all I/O characteristics apply.
1.14 R2/MF Convenience Functions
R2/MF convenience functions enable detection of R2/MF forward signals on a channel, and play
R2/MF backward signals in response. For more information about voice support for R2/MF, see the
Voice API Programming Guide.
Note: R2/MF signaling is typically accomplished through the Global Call API. For more information, see
the Global Call documentation set. The R2/MF functions listed here are provided for backward
compatibility only and should not be used for R2/MF signaling.
r2_creatfsig( )
creates R2/MF forward signal tone
r2_playbsig( )
plays R2/MF backward signal tone
1.15 Speed and Volume Functions
Speed and volume functions adjust the speed and volume of the play. A speed modification table
and volume modification table are associated with each channel, and can be used for increasing or
decreasing the speed or volume. These tables have default values which can be changed using the
dx_setsvmt( ) function.
The dx_addspddig( ) and dx_addvoldig( ) functions are convenience functions that specify a digit
and an adjustment to occur on that digit, without having to set any data structures. These functions
use the default settings of the speed and volume modification tables.
See the Voice API Programming Guide for more information about the speed and volume feature in
general, and speed and volume modification tables in particular.
The speed and volume functions are:
dx_adjsv( )
adjusts speed or volume immediately
dx_addspddig( )
sets a dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) digit for speed adjustment
dx_addvoldig( )
adds a dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) digit for volume adjustment