372 Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003
dx_setdigbuf( ) — set the digit buffering mode
dx_setdigbuf( )
set the digit buffering mode
! Description
The dx_setdigbuf( ) function sets the digit buffering mode that will be used by the voice driver.
Once the digit buffer is full (31 digits), the application may select whether subsequent digits will be
ignored or will overwrite the oldest digits in the queue.
! Cautions
When you call dx_setdigbuf( ), the function clears the previously detected digits in the digit buffer.
! Errors
If the function returns -1, use the Standard Runtime Library (SRL) Standard Attribute function
ATDV_LASTERR( ) to obtain the error code or use ATDV_ERRMSGP( ) to obtain a descriptive
error message. One of the following error codes may be returned:
Invalid parameter
Error from operating system; use dx_fileerrno( ) to obtain error value
Name: int dx_setdigbuf(chdev, mode)
Inputs: int chdev
• valid channel device handle
int mode
• digit buffering mode
Returns: 0 if successful
-1 if failure
Includes: srllib.h
Category: Configuration
Mode: synchronous
Platform: Springware
Parameter Description
chdev specifies the valid channel device handle obtained when the channel was
opened using dx_open( )
mode specifies the type of digit buffering that will be used. Mode can be:
• DX_DIGCYCLIC – Incoming digits will overwrite the oldest digits in the
buffer if the buffer is full.
• DX_DIGTRUNC – Incoming digits will be ignored if the digit buffer is full