Intel 05-1832-002 IP Phone User Manual

Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 393
set physical parameters of a channel or board device — dx_setparm( )
For Springware boards, the supported channel parameter defines are shown in Table 15. All time
units are in multiples of 10 msec unless otherwise noted.
DXCH_FSKMARKLENGTH ADSI two-way FSK. For a given FSK protocol standard
specified in DXCH_FSKSTANDARD, the
DXCH_FSKMARKLENGTH parameter allows the application to
set the mark length.
If the FSK protocol standard is set to Bellcore, the default value
for the mark length when transmitting data is 180 bits. The
default value for the mark length when receiving data is 30 bits.
These values cannot be modified.
If the FSK protocol standard is set to ETSI, when transmitting
data, the range of possible values is 80 to 180 bits. If you
specify a value outside of this range, the library uses 180 bits
as the default when transmitting data. If you do not specify a
value for mark length, the library uses 80 bits as the default.
If the FSK protocol standard is set to ETSI, when receiving
data, the range of possible values is 0 to 60 bits. If you specify a
value outside of this range, it uses 30 bits as the default when
receiving data. If you do not specify a value for mark length, the
library uses 0 bits as the default.
DXCH_FSKSTANDARD ADSI two-way FSK. Specifies the FSK protocol standard, which
is used for transmission and reception of FSK data. Using this
channel parameter, the protocol standard can be set to either
DX_FSKSTDBELLCORE (Bellcore standard) or
DX_FSKSTDETSI (ETSI standard). The default value is
recommend that you explicitly specify values for the
DXCH_PLAYDRATE 2 R/W 6000 Play Digitization Rate. Sets the digitization rate of the voice
data that is played on this channel. Voice data must be played
at the same rate at which it was recorded. Valid values are:
6000 6 kHz sampling rate
8000 8 kHz sampling rate
DXCH_RECRDRATE 2 R/W 6000 Record Digitization Rate. Sets the rate at which the recorded
voice data is digitized. Valid values are:
6000 6 kHz sampling rate
8000 8 kHz sampling rate
DXCH_SCRFEATURE 2 R/W - Silence Compressed Record (SCR). Valid values are:
DXCH_SCRDISABLED SCR feature disabled
DXCH_SCRENABLED SCR feature enabled
Transfer buffer size. Returns the bulk queue buffer size as set
by the dx_setchxfercnt( ) function.
Table 14. Voice Channel Parameters (DM3) (Continued)
Define Bytes
Default Description