162 Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003
dx_chgrepcnt( ) — change the repetition definition for a tone
dx_chgrepcnt( )
change the repetition definition for a tone
! Description
The dx_chgrepcnt( ) function changes the standard repetition definition for a call progress
analysis tone, identified by tonetype. The repetition count component refers to the number of times
that the signal must repeat before being recognized as valid. The voice driver comes with default
definitions for each of the call progress analysis tones. The dx_chgrepcnt( ) function alters the
standard definition of the repetition count component.
Unlike other voice API library functions, the streaming to board functions do not use SRL device
handles. Therefore, ATDV_LASTERR( ) and ATDV_ERRMSGP( ) cannot be used to retrieve
error codes and error descriptions.
Changing a tone definition has no immediate effect on the behavior of an application. The
dx_initcallp( ) function takes the tone definitions and uses them to initialize a channel. Once a
channel is initialized, subsequent changes to the tone definitions have no effect on that channel. For
these changes to take effect, you must first call dx_deltones( ) followed by dx_initcallp( ).
Name: int dx_chgrepcnt(tonetype, repcnt)
Inputs: int tonetype
• tone to modify
int repcnt
• repetition count
Returns: 0 if success
-1 if tone does not have a repetition value
2 if unknown tone type
Includes: srllib.h
Category: Call Progress Analysis
Mode: synchronous
Platform: Springware