Page 60 Common Tasks
Editing records
After you create a record, you can change, delete, or enter new text at
any time. Two screen features tell you when your handheld is in
editing mode:
■ A blinking cursor
■ One or more edit lines
Entering text
For information on how to enter text using Graffiti writing, the
onscreen keyboard, or the keyboard attached to your computer, see
Chapter 2.
Edit menu
The Edit menu is available with any screen where you enter or edit
text. In general, commands available in the Edit menu apply to text
that you select in an application.
To select text in an application:
1. Tap the beginning of the text that you want to select.
2. Drag the stylus over the text to highlight it. You can drag across the
text to select additional words, or drag down to select a group of
Tip: To select a word, double-tap the word. To select a whole
line, triple-tap the line.
Edit line
Blinking cursor