
Map Page
Display Mode - Land or Water.
Tracks Setup
Saved Tracks and Track Log - Scale options; ‘Off’, ‘Auto’, or 20 ft.–500 miles, sets the
maximum scale at which the feature should appear on the screen. Some types of data
display only at certain zoom scales.
Goto Line - Bearing or Course.
Track Points - Select the number of track points per track. UP to 10,000 active Track
Points allowed
Map Features Setup
Points of Interest, Waypoints, Street Label, and Land Cover - ‘Off’, ‘Auto’, or 20 feet
to 500 miles, sets the maximum scale at which that feature should appear on the screen.
Some types of data display only at certain zoom scales.
Text Setup
Points of Interest, Waypoints, Street Label, and Land Cover - ‘None’, ‘Small’, ‘Me-
dium’, or ‘Large’; control the screen size of the name.
Map Data Setup
Show - Check box; check mark determines if map data is used or not. Option Menu allows
you to choose to show all, show none, or show specific MapSource Data. See also the
General Setup
Lines Setup
Points Setup
Text Setup
Map Data Setup
Text Setup