Page 65FM-4000
Calendar Menu
The FM-4000 has a clock that remembers date, time, latitude and longitude.
Connecting a GPS receiver to the FM-4000 is very important as it not only will
be used to update the calendar automatically and also when a DSC Distress
call is transmitted will send your vessel’s location to other vessels to aid in the
rescue. See section “8.5 ACCESSORY CABLE.”
GPS Receiver Connected
When a GPS receiver is connected, the FM-4000 will automatically store the
calendar date and time information after being connected for one hour.
GPS Receiver Not Connected
If a GPS receiver is not connected to the FM-4000, manually enter the date
and time into the Calendar Menu in order for the clock to operate. The time you
will enter will be your local time in UTC format. To calculate your local UTC
time, first find your location on the Standard Time table below.
The table below shows Standard Time. For Daylight Savings subtract
one hour from your offset.