Service Menu Parameters
Service menus allow customized settings for site operations. The password for service menu parame-
ters is 5010.
The iCOM control firmware is being updated constantly. As a result, the Service menu parameter
tables shown in this manual may be slightly different than what is shown on your cooling unit's dis-
play. Please check for the latest iCOM User manual updates.
Table 23 Setpoints parameters
Imperial (metric)
Large Display Small Display
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Password PASSWORD W -
Temperature Setpoint TEMP SET W 41-104°F (5-40°C)
Control Type CTRL TYP W Proportional, PI, PID, Intelligent
Temperature Proportional Band TEMP PB W 2-54°F (1-30°C) autoset
Temperature Integration Time TEMP INT W 0-15 min, autoset
Temperature Derivative Time TEMP DER W 0-900 sec
AutoSet Enable AUTOSET W No, Yes
Temperature DeadBand TEMP DB W 0-36°F (0-20°C)
Second Setpoint 2ND SETP W 41-104°F (5-40°C)
Backup Temperature Setpoint BACK TSP W 41-104°F (5-40°C)
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Password PASSWORD W -
Humidity Setpoint HUM SET W 20-80%
Humidity Control Type HUM CTRL W Relative, Compensated, Predictive
Humidity Proportional Band HUM PB W 1-20%
Humidity Integration Time HUM INT W 0-15 min
Humidity Deadband HUM DB W 0-50%
Dehum/Heat Low Limit 1 LO LIM 1 W -9.9°F to -2.0°F
Dehum/Heat Low Limit 2 LO LIM 2 W -9.9°F to -2.0°F
internal variable Low Limit 1 reset
-10.0°F / -2.0°F
-5.5K / -1.1K
internal variable Low Limit 1 reset
-10.0°F / -2.0°F
-5.5K / -1.1K
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Password PASSWORD W -
Supply Limit SUP LIM W Enabled, Disabled
Supply Limit Temp Value SUP TEMP W 41-77°F (5-25°C)
DT between Room / FC Type FC TYPE W No, Contact, Value
DT between Room Air/ FC Fluid FC DT W 0-36°F (-18 - 2 °C)
Minimum CW Temp MIN CW W No, Yes
Minimum CW Temp Value MIN CW W 32-68°F (0-20°C)
VSD Fanspeed FANSPEED W Auto / Manual
°C / °F
% RH