Parameters for Next Maintenance Calculation
General Maintenance Settings
• Maintenance Frequency—can be set as one to 12 months or to zero, which disables mainte-
nance calculation
• Max. Bonus—increases the time to next maintenance with the set value, if all components run
optimally (number of starts, average running time)
• Max. Penalty value—decreases the time to next maintenance with the set value, if some compo-
nents run in non-optimum way (number of starts, average running time)
• Last Maintenance—date can be set from service-engineer; informational
• Service-Engineer—name of the service engineer; editable
• Reset—puts all counters of all components, such as (motor, compressors, heaters and humidifier),
at zero and starts a new maintenance calculation (reset to be done after maintenance)
Fans / Heaters / Humidifier Settings and Diagnostics
• Number of starts and Working hours are counted separately since the last maintenance. Total
working hours can be read in the standard working hours window (customer window).
• Average Working Hours is the calculation, resulting from starts and working hours.
• Starts per Day Optimum is the number of starts considered as optimum.
• Starts per Day Worst is the number of starts considered as hunting (worst case).
• Number of Alarms counts the alarms, happened between two service intervals.
• Actual Bonus is calculated from number of starts and average working time. Can be positive
(bonus) or negative (penalty). This value influences the time remaining to the next maintenance.
Compressor 1 / 2 Settings and Diagnostics
• Number of starts and Working hours are individually counted since the last maintenance. Total
working hours can be read in the standard working hours window (customer window).
• Average Working Hours is the calculation, resulting from starts and working hours.
• Starts per Day Optimum is the number of starts considered as optimum.
• Starts per Day Worst is the number of starts considered as hunting (worst case).
• Number of HP Alarms counts the high-pressure alarms, happened between 2 service intervals.
• Number of LP Alarms counts the low-pressure alarms, happened between 2 service intervals.
• Number of TH Alarms counts the thermal protection alarms, happened between 2 service inter-
• Actual Bonus is calculated from number of starts and average working time. Can be positive
(bonus) or negative (penalty). This value influences the time remaining to the next maintenance.