1.4 Specifications
Installation Manual 33
Maximum Terminal Equipment
The following number of items of terminal equipment can be supported by the Hybrid IP-PBX. For how to
count the total number of items of equipment to be connected, refer to "MEC Card Calculation".
MEC Card Calculation
Calculate the MEC figure from the type and total number of items of equipment to be connected. If the MEC
figure exceeds 64 (for KX-TDA100) or 128 (for KX-TDA200), you need to install an MEC card.
MEC Card Calculation
Terminal Equipment Type KX-TDA100 KX-TDA200
Without MEC
With MEC
Without MEC
With MEC
A single "T1-OPX (Off Premise Extension) port" or "BRI/PRI extension port" is counted as a wired telephone.
88 152 176 304
SLT, APT, DPT and IP-PT 64 128 128 256
SLT 64 64 128 128
APT/DPT 64 128 128 256
IP-PT 64
64 128 128
DSS console 8 8
CS 16 32
PS 128 128
Voice Processing System (VPS) 2 2
Doorphone 8 16
Door Opener 8 16
External Sensor 8 16
External Relay 8 16
Add-on Key Module 64 128 128 256
USB Module 64 128
Equipment Type MEC Figure
PT KX-T7600 series DPT/DSS console 1
KX-T7560/KX-T7565 DPT 1
Other DPT/DSS console 1