Title Sub title Item Sub item Setting range Default
System setting Advanced station
Room sub
control unit/
control unit
Contact output
(Contact output
L1 to L4 L1
Contact type
Normally open (NO)/Normally closed (NC)
Normally open
Trigger condition None/Calling notice/Door release/PA
Calling notice
(Only when "Calling
notice" is selected at
"Trigger condition")
Normal: OFF/ON
Priority: OFF/ON
Urgent: OFF/ON
Normal: OFF
Priority: OFF
Urgent: OFF
Door release
(Only when "Door
release" is selected at
"Trigger condition")
(Select from the sub stations registered
and set for each control unit.)
PA output
(Only when "PA output"
is selected at "Trigger
PA output 1 to 4 -
Zone setting Zone number - (Select from the registered ones.) -
Stations - (Select from the list.) -
PA output - (Select from the list.) -
Chime setting Registering sound
(Sound fi le) - SF1 to SF15 (3MB in total, 2MB/fi le) -
Registering sound
Sound number - SS1 to SS20 SS1
Sound sequence
- Up to 24 alphanumeric characters -
Step - 1 to 10 1
Sound source Sound fi le (Select from the registered ones.) -
Repeat times 1 to 10 1
Registering daily
chime schedule
Schedule number - DS1 to DS10 DS1
Schedule name - Up to 24 alphanumeric characters -
Chime time - Hour: 0 to 23
Minute: 0 to 59
Second: 0 to 59
Sound source - Sound fi le (Select from the registered
/Sound sequence (Select from the
registered ones.)
/External sound source (1 or 2)
Zone number - (Select from the registered ones.) -
Chime priority - Normal/Priority/Urgent Normal
Chime schedule
Weekly schedule (Repeat setting) Every week/Every other week Every week
Schedule start date From the current day to 1 year ahead -
Schedule end date From the start day to 1 year ahead -
(Chime schedule) None/DS1 to DS10 (for each day of the
Individual schedule (Date) From the current day to 1 year ahead -
Daily chime schedule (Select from the registered ones.) None
Chime time Hour: 0 to 23
Minute: 0 to 59
Second: 0 to 59
Sound source Sound fi le (Select from the registered
/Sound sequence (Select from the
registered ones.)
/External sound source (1 or 2)
Zone number (Select from the registered ones.) -
Chime priority Normal/Priority/Urgent Normal
Schedule download - (Download the chime (and transfer)
schedule data in CSV format.)