Uniden TRU3466 Cordless Telephone User Manual

1) During a call, when you hear the Call
Waiting tone, check the handset
display for the name and number of
the incoming calls.
2) Press flash to accept the incoming call.
(See ”Flash and Call Waiting”, page 18.)
[ 39 ]
DDeelleettiinngg aallll CCaalllleerr IIDD nnaammeess//nnuummbbeerrss
To delete all of your Caller ID messages, follow the steps below.
1) Press cid/hold. The Caller ID summary
screen shows the number of new
callers and total number of calls.
2) Press delete/volume to delete
names/numbers on line 1. The
following screen appears:
3) Use the
/up/intcm to move the cursor to ”Yes”.
4) Press delete/volume or select/channel.
A confirmation tone sounds.
The following screen appears:
5) Repeat steps 2 through 4.
All your Caller ID messages are deleted.
Using CIDCW (Caller ID with Call Waiting)
TRU3466 ENG 8/8/01 12:19 PM Page 39