Uniden TRU3466 Cordless Telephone User Manual

1) Press redial/pause.
The phone number that was last dialed appears on the
2) Press redial/pause again.
Each press of redial/pause will
display one of the last three
numbers dialed.
3) Press line1. The ”
Line1” appears on
the display, then the volume setting
is displayed.
4) The selected number is dialed. After
about 5 seconds, the call-time
display appears.
5) To hang up, press the selected line key or place the
handset on the base. The call-time will be displayed for
about 5 seconds.
[ 15 ]
Redialing a Call
The redial memory
function in the handset
and base are
independent from one
• Refer to terminology
explanation on Page
13, if necessary.
The last three phone numbers dialed can be quickly redialed.
RReeddiiaalliinngg ffrroomm SSttaannddbbyy MMooddee
FFrroomm tthhee HHaannddsseett
• If the number exceeds
32 digits, only the
first 32 digits are
retained for redialing.
• Press and hold
delete/volume to
delete the displayed
redial number.
TRU3466 ENG 8/8/01 12:18 PM Page 15