Uniden EXA2950 Cordless Telephone User Manual

Adjusting the Handset Ringer and Earpiece Volume
[ 14 ]
RRiinnggeerr ttoonnee aanndd vvoolluummee
When the phone is in standby mode, pressing the
key on the handset selects
the handset ringer volume and tone. There are two ringer tones each with two volume
levels. Continue pressing the
key to listen to all tones and volume levels. The
phone keeps the last ringer tone and volume setting selected.
EEaarrppiieeccee vvoolluummee
The handset earpiece volume settings (Low, Medium and High) can only be adjusted
during a call. Press
repeatedly to select Low, Medium, or High. When you hang
up, the phone keeps the last volume setting selected.
Adjusting the Base Ringer
BBaassee uunniitt rriinnggeerr sseelleeccttiioonnss
There are three ringer selections; High, Low and Off. Select a ringer tone by using the
key on the base unit. (See "Setting the Base Ringer Volume", page 25).
Throughout this manual, terms such as Standby and Talk Mode are used. Below is the
terminology explanation.
SSttaannddbbyy MMooddee
- The handset is not in use, off the base, and
has not been
pressed. A dial tone is not present.
TTaallkk MMooddee
- The handset is off the base and
has been pressed enabling a
dial tone.