Chapter 3-Basic Operation
3 If all participants are undefined, dial-in and no additional
information is required for the new conference, click OK.
4 To add participants from the Participants Address Book or to define
participants (mainly dial-out participants) click the Participants tab.
Duration Define the duration of the conference in hours using
the format HH:MM (default 01:00).
ID Enter the unique-per-MCU conference ID. If left
blank, the MCU automatically assigns a number
once the conference is launched. This ID must be
communicated to conference participants to enable
them to dial in.
Enter a password to be used by participants to
access the conference. If left blank, no password is
assigned to the conference. This password is valid
only in conferences that are configured to prompt for
a conference password.
Enter a password to be used by the RMX to identify
the Chairperson and grant him/her additional privi-
leges. If left blank, no chairperson password is
assigned to the conference.
This password is valid only in conferences that are
configured to prompt for a chairperson password.
Table 3-2 New Conference – General Options (Continued)
Field Description