Polycom RMX 2000 Getting Started Guide
The system displays the conference’s default Name, Duration and the
default Profile, which contains the conference parameters and media
The RMX automatically allocates the conference ID, upon conference
In most cases, you can accept the default conference ID and click OK,
or you can change the conference ID and click OK and the conference
is launched.
If you are the meeting chairperson or organizer using the RMX Web
Client to start your own meeting, you need to communicate the
default conference ID (or the one you created) to the other conference
participants so they can dial in.
You can use the General dialog box to modify the conference
parameters. If no defined participants are to be added to the
conference, or you do not want to add additional information, click
General Tab
2 Define the following parameters:
Table 3-2 New Conference – General Options
Field Description
Name The system automatically generates a unique
conference name. To modify it, enter a unique
conference name, using up to 80 characters.If the
same name is already used by another conference,
Meeting Room or Entry Queue, the RMX displays an
error message requesting you to enter a different
name. Note: This field is displayed in all tabs.
Profile The system displays the name of the default
Conference Profile. Select the required Profile from
the list.
The Conference Profile includes the Conference line
rate, media settings and general settings.For a
detailed description of Conference Profiles, see the
RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide, "Conference
Profiles” on page 1-1.