Navigon MN 6 PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

User’s manual MobileNavigator 6
Navigation - 15 -
4.2.2 Address of destination
1. In the MAIN WINDOW, tap on New destination > Enter an
ADDRESS window opens.
2. Enter the name of the town or the postcode.
3. Enter the name of the street. You can also enter the name
of a well-known building, e.g. "Olympic stadium" or "Eiffel
4. Enter the number of the house. If you don't know the
number of the house, or you specified an object in the
preceding step, then leave the field empty. If you don't
know the house number, but know the name of a nearby
side street, then tap on the
Intersection field and enter the
name of the street. The navigation system will calculate a
route to the intersection of the streets you have specified.
Note: It is not necessary to enter all the address details.
If you specify the town only, the navigation system will
calculate a route to the town centre.
If you specify the town and street, without specifying a house
number or side street, the navigation system will calculate a
route to the centre of the street entered.
5. Tap on the Start navigation button.
The map screen opens in Preview mode.
Note: For detailed information on how to start the navigation
system, please refer to chapter "
Starting navigation" page 21.
4.2.3 Special destination
Special destinations, also known as to POIs (Points Of
Interest) are useful addresses that are catalogued according
to particular criteria.
Ports, airports, restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, public
buildings, and others belong to the special destinations.
Points of interest can be displayed on the map by means of a
symbol. Tap on Options
> Settings > POI in the MAIN WINDOW
in order to select which categories are to be displayed on the