Multi-Tech Systems MVP-2410/3010 IP Phone User Manual

MultiVOIP User Guide Quick Start Instructions
Phone/IP Starter Configuration
Full details here:
Chapter 5: Technical Configuration for
Digital T1/E1 MultiVOIPs
in User Guide.
Chapter 6: Technical Configuration for
Analog/BRI MultiVOIPs
in User Guide
1. Open MultiVOIP program: Start | MultiVOIP xxx | Configuration.
2. Go to Configuration | IP. Enter the IP parameters for your voip site.
3. Do you want to configure and operate the MultiVOIP unit using the
web browser GUI? (It has the same functionality as the local
Windows GUI, but offers remote access.)
If NO, skip to step 5.
If YES, continue with step 4.
4. Enable Web Browser GUI (Optional). To do configuration and
operation procedures using the web browser GUI, you must first
enable it. To do so, follow these steps. (The browser used must be
Internet Explorer 6.0 or above; or Netscape 6.0 or above.)
A. Be sure an IP address has
been assigned to the
MultiVOIP unit (this must be
done in the MultiVOIP
Windows GUI).
E. Open web browser.
(Note: The PC being used must
be connected to and have an IP
address on the same IP network
that the voip is on.)
B. Save Setup in Windows GUI. F. Browse to IP address of
MultiVOIP unit.
C. Close the MultiVOIP
Windows GUI.
G. If username and password
have been established, enter
them when prompted by
D. Install Java program from
MultiVOIP product CD.
(Must be Java Runtime
Environment 1.4.2_01 or above.)
NOTE: Required on first use of
Web Browser GUI only.
H. Use web browser GUI to
configure or operate voip.
Need more
See “Web Browser Interface” in Operation &
Maintenance chapter of User Guide (on CD).