MultiVOIP User Guide Index
T1 .............................................. 308
Detection Flash Hook field
E1 .............................................. 163
T1 .............................................. 157
Detection Range, Flash Hook Options
E&M ......................................... 258
FXO .......................................... 251
FXS Loop Start ......................... 245
Detection Time
E1 .............................................. 163
T1 .............................................. 157
Detection Time field
E1 .............................................. 163
T1 .............................................. 157
dial tone, custom
analog ........................................ 278
T1/E1 ................................ 175, 176
dial tone, second
and comma use ........................... 72
pausing for .................................. 72
Dialing Options (E&M) fields ...... 257
Dialing Options (FXO) fields 248, 249
Dialing Options field
ISDN-BRI ................................. 265
dialing patterns
digits used ................................... 70
inbound/outbound matching ....... 72
tips about ..................................... 70
analog ........................................ 277
T1/E1 ........................................ 175
DID interface (MVP210)
uses of ....................................... 107
DID interface (MVP-410/810)
uses of ......................................... 98
DID Interface Parameter definitions
.................................................. 260
DID Interface Parameter fields
Message Waiting Indication ..... 260
DID Interface Parameters ............. 259
DID jumper
MVP210 .................................... 104
MVP-410/810 ............................. 96
DID lines (MVP210)
polarity sensitivity and .............. 107
DID lines (MVP-410/810)
polarity sensitivity and ................ 98
DID-DPO Interface Parameter
definitions ................................. 259
DID-DPO Interface Parameter fields
Inter Digit Timer (dialing) ........ 260
Start Modes ............................... 259
Wink Timer ............................... 259
DID-DPO Parameter fields
Inter-Digit Regeneration Timer
(dialing) ................................. 260
DID-DPO vs. DID-DPT ................ 259
DiffServ and IP datagram
analog ........................................ 223
T1/E1 ........................................ 137
DiffServ PHB (Per Hop Behavior)
analog ........................................ 222
T1/E1 ........................................ 136
digits in phonebook
specialized codes ......................... 71
types ............................................ 70
analog models ............................. 43
E1 models .................................... 42
Disconnect on Call Progress Tone
(E&M) field .............................. 258
Disconnect on Call Progress Tone
(FXO) field ................................ 250
Disconnect Tone Sequence (FXO)
field ........................................... 250
disconnection criteria, FXO .. 249, 250
DNS Server IP Address
T1/E1 ................................ 138, 224
Download Factory Defaults (program
menu option) , command........... 460
load Factory Defaults option
description (MultiVOIP program
menu) ........................................ 450
Download Firmware (program menu
option), command ............. 456, 457
Download Firmware option
description (MultiVOIP program
menu) ........................................ 450
Download IFM Firmware (program
menu option) , command... 462, 463
Download IFM Firmware option
description (MultiVOIP program
menu) ........................................ 450