Linksys IP Phone Administrator Guide
Firmware Version 5.1
Chapter 5 Linksys IP Phone Field Reference
932 Tab (SPA962 only)
Unit 1
Field Description
Unit 1 Key 1-32 This field lets you enter a string that defines the extension and other parameters associated
with each lighted button on the first SPA932 unit. Keywords and values are case-sensitive.
The configuration script is composed of the following keywords, followed by an equal
sign (=) and separated by semicolons (;):
• fnc—defines which of the following functions are enabled for the specified key
(separate more than one function with a plus sign (+):
blf—busy lamp field function used for monitoring line activity
sd—speed dial function
cp—call pickup (if supported by the SIP proxy server)
• sub—Use this keyword to identify the phones to be monitored.
• usr —Use this keyword to identify the specific users or extensions to be monitored.
• nme—(optional) Use this field with the SPA9000 to identify any alias that has been
assigned to the extension in the Linksys IP phone configuration.
• vid—(optional) Use this field to identify the SPA962 extension to use with the
monitored list specified by the sub= keyword, when more than one BLF monitored
list is configured on the SIP proxy server. The possible values are 1 to 6,
corresponding to each of the six extensions available on the SPA962.
Note You only need to use the vid= keyword in the first entry assigned to each
SPA962 extension. Subsequent keys will use the same extension.
The following is the syntax for a Broadsoft server:
Replace the variables (in italics), as follows:
• enabled_functions with cp for call pickup, sd for speed dial, and blf for busy lamp
field; separate multiple functions in any order with a plus sign (+)
• blf_list_uri with the URI assigned to the BLF monitoring list on the Broadsoft
• broadsoft with the IP address or hostname of the Broadsoft server.
• dn with the number associated with the user account on the Monitored Users list.
For example:
Note The nme keyword is not used because the Broadsoft server automatically uses the
assigned user account name.