Linksys IP Phone Administrator Guide
Firmware Version 5.1
Chapter 5 Linksys IP Phone Field Reference
Info Tab
Line 1/2/3/4/5/6 Call 1/2 Status
Next Registration In Number of seconds before the next registration renewal.
Message Waiting Indicates whether you have new voicemail waiting: Yes or No. This is updated when
voicemail notification is received.
Mapped SIP Port Port number of the SIP port mapped by NAT.
Field Description
Hazardous Potential The amount of hazardous potential is displayed.
Foreign Voltage The amount of foreign voltage is displayed.
Long Resistive Fault The amount of long resistive fault is displayed.
REN The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is displayed.
Call State Status of the call.
Tone Type of tone used by the call.
Encoder Codec used for encoding.
Decoder Codec used for decoding.
Type Direction of the call.
Remote Hold Indicates whether the far end has placed the call on hold.
Callback Indicates whether the call was triggered by a call back request.
Peer Name Name of the internal phone.
Peer Phone Phone number of the internal phone.
Duration Duration of the call.
Packets Sent Number of packets sent.
Packets Recv Number of packets received.
Bytes Sent Number of bytes sent.
Bytes Recv Number of bytes received.
Decode Latency Number of milliseconds for decoder latency.
Jitter Number of milliseconds for receiver jitter.
Field Description