34 Getting Started
Weather for the next 4 days
Tap this area
to return to
the current
day’s weather.
Current day’s weather
Tap this area to view
weather information for the
next four days of the week.
Tap this area
to select
another city.
Shows the time that has elapsed
since the last download of
weather information. Tap this
item to download the latest
weather data.
Tip You can also use the Wi-Fi connection of your device to download weather
data. For more information about using Wi-Fi, see Chapter 10.
Note If you have not connected to the Internet and downloaded weather
information for five days, the following error message will be displayed:
"Unable to retrieve data for selected city. Select here to retry." Use GPRS/3G
or Wi-Fi to connect your device to the Internet, then tap the area that shows
the error message to download weather data.
To customize weather settings
1. Tap the city name.
2. On the Select City screen, select Menu > Weather Options.
3. Enable or disable the following options:
• Download weather data automatically. When this check box is
selected, weather information will automatically be downloaded
from the AccuWeather Web site whenever you select the Weather
tab, if the data has not been updated within the last three hours.
Weather data will also be downloaded every time an ActiveSync
connection occurs (through over-the-air or USB connections).